Reflection 2/23/12: Research


'Cats are reading a book' by Catunes

In class we discussed different aspects of researching. For a Public Relations professional, using research achieves credibility, develops strategy, prevents crisis, monitors the competition and generates publicity.

There are different types of research and ways to conduct it. The types and ways mentioned in class were secondary, primary, qualitative and quantitative research. Secondary data is information that already exists, primary research is putting together original/new information, qualitative research is observable and often not generalizable and quantitative research in descriptive/explanatory and is generalizable.

We also created a  Zoomerang account, which is a website that is useful for sampling and gathering data for research in a systematic way. One can create their own survey through the associated website, Survey Monkey, and to make things easier, one can even use the provided templates For a fun way to design and create a survey, check out

After we learned how to create a survey with survey monkey we went over the eight elements of a program plan:

by woodleywonderworks

1. Situation
2. Objective(s)
3. Audience
4. Strategy
5. Tactic(s)
6. Calendar/Timetable
7. Budget
8. Measurement

We analyzed these themes in hand out of  Cisco’s corporate advertising road map as well as the HP messaging guide for marketing and communications professionals. This was the most interesting part of the class because we were dealing with real life marketing plans of existing companies and how learned how important research is in the process of a marketing plan.










About cynflynn91

Welcome! My name is Cynthia Melendez-Flynn! In a nutshell, I am a senior studying Marketing and Public Relations at Southeastern University. I am also the Senior Captain of the Cross Country and Track team at SEU, I work 2 jobs—one as a lifeguard and the other as a server in the on-campus restaurant, and I am the marketing and PR intern with a local wedding planner! I love all shades of purple, Salsa dancing, all music that has heart, Swedish fish and Take 5s. I met my boyfriend our freshman year about 3 years ago and when I'm not studying, socializing, or working you can find me out running! I use this blog as an educational diary to keep track of all that I have learned about public relations and marketing as well as a means to share my knowledge. You’ll stumble upon posts from my past classes-- PR Applications and Writing for PR and Advertising-- as well as posts for my current PR class Corporate Public Relations! Please feel free to share and comment inspirations and knowledge throughout my blog!

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